Windows Taskbar Showing When Fullscreen? What to Do

When apps are running in fullscreen mode, Windows should hide the taskbar right away. Well, the taskbar is a huge distraction when you’re playing a game, using your browser, or watching a movie in fullscreen mode. Windows can’t work without the taskbar, but it can sometimes get in the way. Itshows possible that the taskbar will show up in full fullscreen when you don’t want it to. If this happens, you’ll need to get it out of the way. This post will show you how to show the Windows taskbar in fullscreen mode in many different ways.

How To Easily Restart Windows Explorer?

1- Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc on the keyboard to open Task Manager.

2- Under the Processes tab, locate and select Windows Explorer, then click the Restart button.

locate and select Windows Explorer

3- As File Explorer starts up again, the screen will go dark for a moment. The taskbar should now work correctly.

Turn Off Taskbar Lock

Turn Off Taskbar Lock

Locking every taskbar prevents them from moving on the screen. However, if you launch an application in fullscreen mode, the taskbar may also expand. To unlock the taskbar in Windows 10, right-click an empty spot in the taskbar. Then, de-select the option Lock all taskbars from the menu.

How To Easily Set Taskbar To Automatically Hide?

To address the Windows taskbar showing in fullscreen mode, you can alternatively configure the taskbar to automatically hide. To automatically hide the taskbar, do the following:

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1- Launch Start > Settings and select Personalization > Taskbar from the menu Personalization.

Personalization menu.

2- Check the box next to Automatically hide taskbar in the Taskbar behaviours section.

Automatically hide taskbar

3- Navigate to Start > Settings > Personalization > Taskbar in Windows 10 and enable the option Automatically hide the taskbar in desktop mode.

Taskbar in Windows 10

How To Easily Repair Apps On Windows 11?

If the taskbar appears in fullscreen mode while a specific application is showing, this may be the cause of the issue. The app repair function will seek for and replace missing or corrupted files. To fix an application on Windows 11, follow the instructions below:

1- Follow the navigate Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & features.

Apps & features.

2- Locate the problematic application, click the button with three dots next to it, and select Advanced options.

Advanced options

3- If the issue persists, try the Reset option, which can be found right below Repair.

Reset section

Note that the app’s data will be deleted upon a Reset. Sadly, not all apps offer a reset or repair option. Consequently, you may need to remove and reinstall the problematic application.

Disable Visual Effects

Windows 11 has a revamped user interface that includes various animations and other visual effects, which may cause the taskbar to appear in fullscreen mode. To disable animation and transparency effects, follow these steps:

1- Click Start, then Settings, or use the keyboard shortcut Windows key + I.

2- When the Settings menu appears, navigate to Accessibility > Visual effects.

scroll to Accessibility

3- Within the Visual effects box, disable the Transparency and Animation effects.

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Visual effects

4- You may also change the visual effects in Windows 10 and 11 by using Performance Options. To open the Run dialogue, press Windows + R, enter sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.

 launch the Run dialogue,

5- After opening the System Properties box, click the Advanced tab and the Settings button in the Performance section.

click the Advanced tab

6- Select the Visual Effects tab and deselect the visual effects you do not want when the Performance Options box appears.

Performance Options box opens

7- To disable everything and test the taskbar’s operation, select the Adjust for optimal performance option. If this is the case, return and assess each visual impact separately.

In addition to assisting with taskbar repair, eliminating visual effects helps Windows 11 performance on older PCs.

Check Windows Update

Windows should be kept as up-to-date as feasible for reasons of security, features, and dependability. Also included in updates are bug fixes for issues with the taskbar.

To manually upgrade Windows 11, go to Start > Settings > Windows Update and click Check for updates. Then, download any system updates that are available. Your computer may restart while the update is being installed.

1- On Windows 10, go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. Check for updates

Windows Update

2- Sign in once your return from the upgrade and verify that the taskbar is operational.

upgrade and verify that the taskba

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